Important for BTC users !!

Started by admin
2017-08-14 at 01:49
Posts: 640
Hello dear members,

Due to continued growth BTC, we are forced to increase the minimum payout through BTC.

Minimum payout so far has been $ 1, and it is less than 0.0002 BTC. Coinpayments do not allow transactions of less than 0.0002 BTCs.

That is the reason for raising the minimum.

When you request a withdrawal, it will still be written that the minimum is $ 1 because we can not raise the minimum for only one processor. We should do it for all processors, and we do not want that. Raising the minimum on all processors would have a significant impact on all free members.

We put the addition TOS which says that the minimum withdrawal for BTC to $ 2.
We appeal to your conscience and we hope that you will not require the withdrawal of a lesser amount. We will cancel all requests that are less than $ 2 and you will have to wait 30 days for a new request.

We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.

Best regards!

Your admins
Posts: 52
Received: $19.2700
Balance: $0.0000
Referrals: 0
Thanks for the report admin
Posts: 59
Received: $1.0700
Balance: $0.0000
Referrals: 0
Thanks Admin