Invalid Advertisement

Started by balaumugun
2015-07-16 at 01:30
Posts: 1
I assume that I am the only one facing this problem here. Except for Fixed Advertisements, all other Ads at Extended, Macro, Standard, Micro and Mini ended up as invalid advertisement and no money earned for clicks since 3 days ago.

Please clarify.

Thank you.

Posts: 163
Received: $56.1700
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Hello balaumugun.

I have not had any problems with my ads in recent days. Have you tried with another browser, or perhaps make cleaning of browsing history, cache, cookies, etc? Do you have any ad blocker installed in your browser (such as AdBlock)?

If you still continue to have problem, it would be best to send a ticket to support or wait a response from the Admin in this thread (note that, she will be absent at least two days, look here).

Good luck dear.
« Last Edit: 2015-07-16 at 03:51 by Garichx »